Happy New Year dear Subscribers! I am so very grateful for you all. I pray your 2022 will be Healthy and Happy and full of Abundance . . .
Ah, what is Abundance? It comes in many forms. There is, of course, Money - a most precious Commodity, like Water, assumed and unnoticed when in great supply, drunk and spilled and run-on with such Luxury as if it might never end . . . And like Water, Money, in its acute or prolonged absence, can mean one’s very Life. If any of you so Suffer, I pray this Abundance, though not in its Vulgarity, comes to you most heartily.
Of the other Abundances, there is Health, who, for some, a sensitive Topic when suddenly Compromised. As writ in STAVE I: When you’re fit as a fiddle and right with the world and survived all the travails that should have laid you low, you’re struck at the height of your glory, at the time when your safety is most seemingly secure - to this I say, Grace and Strength to you dear Hearts. I am your fellow Traveller. I pray that good Faith and good Science be Yours. Indeed, there are Miracles, even if you don’t believe in Miracles. There are Miracles of many stripes.
I pray for you the subtler Abundances - Abundances of Wisdom, Security. Of Will, Perseverance, Strength, Tenacity. An Abundance of Patience. Good Cheer. Satisfaction. Good Relations. Happiness. Serenity. A most happy 2022 to you all!
With that, I hope you’re enjoying the Joys, Hopes, and Travails of our Players: Obedience, Geordie, Elliot, Tim, along with the intrigues of the High Command, as they vie and battle for the custody of America in TEARS OF THE FOOT GUARDS. Thank you for the gift of your readership! I ask of you one more thing: if you find the work Worthy, please Share it with like-minded friends - friends into history, friends into grand narratives, into dark and wicked intrigues. Please share TEARS OF THE FOOT GUARDS
if you will, on your Facebook, your Twitter, your Instagram, your Substack. Shoot an email to a friend or share with a reading group.
Thank you again for being my loyal patrons. Happy, Happy New Year!