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Such a powerful chapter describing vividly what it might have been like to be a MILES CHRISTI on the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

"For the folk who’d never journeyed from their villages, the earth itself seemed to stretch and bend. How could this be? Till they realized that a land first traveled has different time and space. So it is with newfound faith, great insight with little progress."

What an INCREDIBLE image to describe newfound faith.

I never thought about how people would have died on the journey. It was illuminating to read how these complications would have been handled.

I love this description of the mountains:

"Sharp, craggy peaks jutting up like the earth’s broken teeth – the ridges, shoulders, and lodge, the road an ever-rising slope to the passes beyond."

One of my favorite parts about this chapter is when Marin explains that he has been on pilgrimage before.

The whole chapter describes the ecstasy and the "once-in-a-lifetime" passion and intensity of going to Jerusalem and being a Knight of Christ! I found myself so caught up in the crowd shouting "God's Will!" over and over! The energy and force of all of those people so united in their feeling of fighting for GOD and TRUTH made my blood pump!

I like how it is all juxtaposed with this line:

“No secrets, dómini.” Marin bemused. “Pilgrimage is a very common thing. I had journeyed to Rome. The road held many dangers and I did not find it profitable.”

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