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". . . the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, the man and his wife hid . . ."

I really love the use of this line from Genesis at the end of the chapter.

I'm moved by the concept of Aile and Tibald hiding from God. I'm worried about the existential loneliness of that necessary leaving of the Garden of Eden.

It's moving to read the words used to motivate people to wage holy war. The Edward Berger 2022 movie version of Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet On The Western Front has a similar scene. I always wonder about the person in the crowd who is not sure about the idea of holy war. Do they escape out the side door? Do human beings EVER have a chance to not wage war in ANY time period in human history?

Because The Church of The Holy Sepulchre is a place people can visit and tour in modern times - I never thought about the people who visited there in 1096. I never thought about how difficult it would have been to get there and how important it must have been. I'm happy that it exists today and you can go there. You can hear the prayers of Muslims/Jews/Christians all happening on one day walking through the old city of Jerusalem. The keys to the church are currently shared by two Muslim families.

Wading in the Jordan and walking the streets of Jerusalem would have to be done on different days. It would take about four days to walk there. I can imagine Tibald doing it. I can imagine him there.

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